WELLINGTON has a new Mayor after its annual meeting held last night (Wednesday, May 1).

Janet Lloyd became the new mayor and was presented with the chains of office.

She was Mayor of Wellington twice before, in 2015/16 and 2019/21.

Yesterday’s meeting was also attended by the outgoing Mayor Marcus Barr.

A spokesperson for Wellington Town Council said: “At our annual meeting last night, Councillor Janet Lloyd became the new Mayor of Wellington.

“As is tradition, the outgoing Mayor Marcus Barr presented Janet with the chains of office and Janet presented Marcus with a ‘Past Chairman’ enamel badge in commemoration of his service over the past year.

“Janet has been Mayor twice before, in 2015/16 and 2019-21, much of this second term being during the pandemic.

“She looks forward to taking on this role again and already has a busy calendar for the coming weeks.

“If you would like to invite the Mayor to attend your event, all you need to do is send us an email at info@wellingtontowncouncil.co.uk with the details.

“At the meeting, Councillor Barr was thanked for his service over the past year and he paid tribute to the community spirit and people of Wellington.”

The new Mayor is also Chair of the Council's Allotments Advisory Group and is the lead councillor working closely with council staff to develop the new Longforth Farm allotment site.

She was also elected as a district councillor on Somerset West Taunton Council representing Wellington East Ward from 2019-2023.